Monday, October 13, 2008

Language Class 2008

So far it has gone pretty well i mean i do not agree with the essay grading system that's probably my biggest disagreement. Many people in my grade know i want to be a lawyer when im older well i need to get good grades and be good at essays and outlines. Well, for many of you who dont know i have a 71% in the class that may be average but i am not a average student i am an A and B student. I currently have two 79 percents and one 71 percent and 4 A's well those C's are killing my G.P.A. So this year i guess my biggest goal would not only be to become better at essays and outlines but to become an A student and more organized student.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Achetypes In The Lord of the rings

There are a decent amount of archetypes in "The Lord of the Rings"
For example there are many examples of the shadow in the "Lord of the Rings". Two examples are gollum and bilbo gollum constantly guides frodo and sam beacause he wants to take the ring for himself. He has split personalities its like gollum is the evil side pulling at him and smegol is the good side. In the beggining of the trilogy we see the nice side of smegol and in the end we see a normal person driven to madness over a ring.
With Bilbo we see him as a loving caring person who looks after frodo...yet he is not a very social person. When he discovers the ring it starts to drive him mad so much that the normal loving caring person becomes a monster when he lashes out trying to take the ring from Frodo.
Another Archetype is the wise old man Gandalf deals lots of advice in the story to frodo which help frodo accomplish is i was looking up quotes that would fit the wise old man i came across this one..."Pity? It was Pity that stayed his hand. Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement." This reminded me so much of our world today so many innocent people are being killed while the cruel and unruley roam the streets free. Our world sees things in many different colors and shades but I think that they look to the elderly for advice because they have experienced life. Even when they did not expect danger or accusations or moments that they had to be heroic it didnt matter it was just thrown at them and they dealt with it.
other arcytypes: laziness, light and darkness, fire and water, and The Gardener(Sam Wise) were some.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

its daves my first blog

my summer.... was pretty boring.... i hung out with my friends and finaly learned how to swim... well more like learning how not to drowned as fast as i used to... i got a job power washing and resealing roofs and..... got a pretty bad farmers tan... and umm mostly just hung out with friends.... i drove alot.....

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

THE HERO (Movie Blog)

Honestly it was hard to choose between my favorite movies in the past year. I decided that i would write about both. In The Dark Knight, Batman starts to question if he is really making gotham a better place to live. I feel that this relates to many of us today that we question are we helping people or just making things worse? Batman discovers his purpose in the end he knows that if he did not take the fall for harvy that all the criminals the white knight had put in jail would be released. Batman became what the city needed him to be.

In Saving Private Ryan the men set out to save a man that had lost all his brothers. There mission was to bring him home. When they eventually found Private Ryan He wanted to stay with his company to hold off the advancing German army. The fought hard to hold them off until reinforcements came. These are the type of people who fought hard to keep our country free. They are brave, and they are heroes.